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Electric vertical take-off and landing (eVTOL) aircraft
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Today’s engineers have ready access to multiple sources of information. What makes our content unique is its unmatched levels of depth, rigor, and comprehensiveness. Our products provide you with the collective knowledge of hundreds of engineers and include data and information that in many cases are unpublished and only available to ESDU through our committee process.
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ESDU engineers develop a Data Item. Throughout the development, their work is monitored, guided, and rigorously validated by technical committees comprised of leading experts from industry, academia, and government organizations from around the world.
Key professional organizations test and endorse the Data Item to ensure it represents a consensus of opinion from experts in the field.
After rigorous testing and validation, we add the Data Item to ESDU, where you can access it, knowing that it has the quality and reliability your design process requires.
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Explore the ESDU Series
Atmospheric properties
Airframe components, including effect of powerplant/airframe interactions for propeller-powered and jet aircraft
Effect of surface imperfections on drag
Controls, flaps and leading-edge devices
Aircraft stability, including derivative estimation
Internal flow and propulsion systems
Related Tools: International Standard Atmosphere (ISA) app, Wing lift-curve slope app
Propulsion system noise
Jet noise, including static-to-flight effects, propeller noise, airframe noise and boundary layer noise
Cabin noise
Atmospheric attenuation and ground reflection effects in the presence of wind and temperature gradients
Attenuation provided by noise barriers
Failure criteria
Plate vibration and buckling
Bonded joint analysis
Stress concentrations
Calculation of basic stiffnesses and stresses, including built-in thermal stresses
Design guidance and suggested methods
Aircraft topics: Motion equations, conversion formulae for rotation/translation of body axes, geometric/kinematic relationships for various axis systems, direction/incidence angles and damping measures
Lateral aircraft motion, handling qualities, loading and aeroelasticity
Linear system design: stability, response, control and assessment
Methods for treatment of first- and second-order systems
Non-linear system design
Related Tools: Wing lift-curve slope app
Constant amplitude stress-endurance curves (S-N curves) for aircraft materials (aluminum and titanium alloys/steels) and structural joints (riveted, bolted or bonded)
Stress concentration factors
Principles for designing against metal fatigue
Statistical methods for dealing with small samples in design
Correlated data on loading, resulting from gusts, taxing/ground operations
Strength analysis of cracked/flawed structures or components
Curves of crack propagation growth rate versus stress intensity factor range under constant amplitude fatigue loading
Principles of fracture mechanics
Methods of compounding to obtain stress intensity factors for “real life” complex geometries from simple theoretical solutions
Data for stress intensity factors for the complex case of a pin-loaded lug
Crack resistance curves for aeronautical metallic materials
Hand calculation methods
Computer programs based on empirically derived correlations
Numerical methods
Step-by-step calculation methods
Single-phase forced and free convection in straight, annular, and coiled tubing, together with the pressure loss and heat transfer resulting from tube inserts/roughened surfaces
Forced convection over cylinders/tube banks and free convection/radiation from simple shapes
Heat pipe design/performance prediction, appropriate temperature measuring devices, and refractory lining materials requirements
Heat exchanger selection/costing, performance, and design
Process integration, fouling and vibration in tube banks
Selecting cam and follower type
Selecting cam laws, both trigonometrical and polynomial
Kinematic analysis
Estimating basic dimensions and blending of cam profiles
Cam methods: Selection of materials, manufacturing methods and lubricants
Methods for designing parallel axis straight spur and helical gears
Method for calculating contact and root bending stress limitations, compatible with BS 436: Part 3
Kinematic design of epicyclic gear trains
Linkage data and force analysis of linkages
Balancing procedures for planar linkages
Designing internal and external Geneva mechanisms
Estimation methods for evaluating contact stress for a general contact with purely normal loading or with combined normal and tangential loading for gross sliding conditions
Flight-test handling measurements
Analysis using equations of motion
Reduction to standard conditions by incremental adjustment
Non-dimensional group presentations
Correction of air-data measurements and methods of in-flight thrust measurement for turbo-jet and turbo-fan engines
Related Tools: International Standard Atmosphere (ISA) app, Wing lift-curve slope app
Vapor pressure
Liquid density
Liquid heat capacity and enthalpy
Liquid viscosity
Liquid and gas thermal conductivity
Fire hazard properties
Properties of water substance
Thermophysical properties of several industrially important compounds, including modern refrigerants
Design of commonly used components: Struts, beams, shafts, plates, pressure vessels, pipes, fastenings, welds, and springs, including data on stiffnesses, static stresses/deflections, buckling loads and fatigue strengths
Data for certain stress intensity factors and contact stresses
Data on the fatigue strength of materials, both as constant amplitude stress versus endurance (S-N) curves and in terms of linear elastic fracture mechanics:
Low and high alloy and stainless steels made to US, UK, and European specifications
Fracture mechanics data: Crack propagation rates, many down to threshold, and fracture toughness values
Related Tools: Inelastic stress-strain curves from ESDU 89052
Elastic or inelastic stresses, strains, displacements or buckling loads under static loading
Metallic materials properties, principal stresses and strains, and failure criteria for specific components: Beams, struts, panels, stress raisers (stress concentrations) and joints
Methods in computational fluid dynamics (CFD)
Methods of calculating the pressure distribution and loading on aerofoils and wings in high subsonic flow
Methods of calculating the drag-rise Mach number and/or the wave drag of aerofoils, wings, and bodies
Exchange rates between pertinent aerofoil and wing design parameters at the drag-rise condition, including the prediction of shock-induced separation
CFD-data for the wave drag coefficient for families of low fineness ratio forebodies and for an extensive family of axisymmetric forecowl
Extensive treatment of the application of vortex generators to the control of shock-induced separation, particularly on wings
Related Tools: International Standard Atmosphere (ISA) app, Wing lift-curve slope app
Guidance on choosing the type of journal or thrust bearing to meet the requirements of load, speed and associated environmental/operational factors
Step-by-step procedure for the design and material selection of dry rubbing bearings
Selection procedures for the choice of rolling bearings
Calculation methods for the design and analysis of:
Steadily loaded hydrodynamic journal bearings with axial grooves and circumferential grooves including superlaminar operation and low viscosity process fluid lubrication
Hydrostatic bearing design with capillary restrictor control
Steadily loaded fixed-inclined-pad and off-set pivot, tilting pad, thrust bearings
Contact phenomena
Methods for the determination of minimum film thickness in elastohydrodynamic concentrated Hertzian contacts
Design of tanks for forced-circulation oil-lubrication systems, grease life estimation in rolling bearings, selection of filter rating and the selection of synthetic oils
Estimation of equilibrium temperatures in self-contained bearing assemblies
Design of crossed-flexure pivots
Selection procedures for the dynamic sealing of fluids dealing with both rotary and reciprocating seals
Properties of common engineering materials
Dynamics of a simple flexible rotor supported in axial groove hydrodynamic journal bearings
Stress and lubrication characteristics of disc cams
Best relative performance of various designs for a noisy environment
Noise from turbo-jet engines and propeller-driven aircraft
Natural frequencies of plate, box, and shell structures
Methods for estimating damping, including radiation damping
Methods and a computer program for estimating design wind speeds and turbulence properties for all types of terrain including topographic effects on wind speed
Comprehensive prediction procedures for estimating force and pressure coefficients for structures such as stacks, masts, towers (including those with polygonal sections), lattice structures, beams, plates, boundary walls, aerials, and regular building shapes
Methods and computer programs for predicting dynamic effects associated with the oscillation of a structure induced by wind effects (such as buffeting by turbulence, vortex shedding and galloping) close to one, or more, of the structure’s natural vibration frequencies
Guidance on the interaction effects of closely spaced circular cross-section structures
Methods for obtaining the natural vibration characteristics of frame, shear, and sway buildings, needed for the prediction of their response to wind or earthquake
Method for estimating the damping of buildings
ESDU Packages
A collection of the Aerodynamics Series, USAF DATCOM plus related NACA and NASA documents
A collection of methods and data for design use in a wide range of disciplines that comprise the ESDU Aerospace Package
A collection of methods from the discipline areas of Stress and Strength, Structures, Composites, Fatigue Complete, Vibration and Acoustic Fatigue, MMDH and relating NASA/NACA reports
A group of independently validated design methods, best practices, data and software tools for solving complex automotive engineering problems and enabling faster and more reliable decision-making during vehicle product design
Validated data, procedures and software, endorsed by professional institutions, for use in the design of nuclear facilities and their maintenance, repair and operation (MRO)
Methods and data to evaluate or predict the performance of process plant equipment and process systems
A set of design information consisting of validated ESDU methods, data and software, including:
The ESDU Structures Series
Analysis and Design of Flight Vehicle Structures by E.F. Bruhn
MMDH - Metallic Materials Data Handbook
MMPDS - Metallic Materials Properties Development and Standardization Handbook
NACA/NASA references from the ESDU Structures Series
NACA/NASA references from E.F. Bruhn’s text
Aerospace Materials Data
Data on aerospace structural metallic materials properties to assist engineers with meeting design requirements
Statistically based design values for commonly used metallic materials and joints and data on other mechanical and physical properties needed to design aerospace structures
Additional Engineering References
A collection of all NACA documents available from ESDU
A collection of all NASA documents available from ESDU
The USAF Stability and Control DATCOM (Data Compendium) was compiled between 1960 and 1978 by the McDonnell Douglas Corporation in conjunction with the engineers at the Flight Dynamics Laboratory at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. DATCOM provides a systematic summary of methods for estimating basic stability and control derivatives. The book is intended to be used for preliminary design purposes before the acquisition of test data.
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Trusted by a global customer base
If the right senior engineer isn’t on the team, the problem goes around several loops of analysis…I just asked the Engineers to refer to the ESDU method to fix a pretension that was between the bolt yield and separation, and that minimized the fatigue cycles on the bolt.
Chief EngineerSAFRAN Group
The value of ESDU is that it helps us move much more quickly to the correct answer. On average, we have reduced the amount of time required to design aerodynamic surfaces by 50% compared to the traditional approach. The answers that we obtain using the ESDU methods also tend to be more accurate because they are based on a combination of theory and experimental data, rather than theory alone.
Head of Advanced Aerodynamic DesignCessna Aircraft
ESDU provides unique validated data. I spend up to 30% of my time trying to validate some of the data used by our engineers. ESDU saves more than the cost of an engineer.
Senior design engineerBell Helicopters
ESDU Data Items are reviewed and endorsed by:
The Royal Aeronautical Society is the world’s only professional body dedicated to the entire aerospace community. Established in 1866 to further the art, science and engineering of aeronautics, the Society has been at the forefront of developments in aerospace ever since.
The Institution of Mechanical Engineers is the fastest-growing professional engineering institution in the UK. 115,000 members work at the heart of the country’s most important and dynamic industries.
The Institution of Chemical Engineers is the global professional membership organization for people with relevant experience or an interest in chemical engineering.