Material Compliance Requirements: REACH, RoHS, SCIP
Learn about the most impactful global material compliance regulations influencing electronic part production and availability.
Learn about the most impactful global material compliance regulations influencing electronic part production and availability.
Electronic part obsolescence is a growing issue for modern electronic products. Read here to learn about obsolescence and how to minimize its impact.
Supply Chain Risk Management is a crucial piece of building a stable and reliable supply chain. Read here to learn about established methods for managing risk and optimizing your electronics supply chain.
e2v met an urgent customer need by reducing risks and enabling conflict mineral compliance using Parts Solutions. This resulted in securing a £1 million contract renewal, avoiding a roadblock to future orders, and saving 2 months of work by a key employee.
As a leader in electronic manufacturing services, this US-based company streamlined work processes across 6 departments, reduced turnaround on RFP deliverables from as much as 2 weeks to 72 hours, helped customers plan for product end-of-life issues, and achieved strong ROI by enabling one staffer to do the work of 5 employees.