Electric Vehicle Maintenance and Repair with AS/NZS 5732:2022
Standards Australia is now available via Accuris – including AS/NZS 5732:2022, covering Electric Vehicle (EV) technology and safety criteria.
Conflict Mineral Reporting
The deadline for Conflict Mineral reporting for 2023 is fast approaching on May 30th. In the second installment of our three-part blog series on Conflict Minerals, we analyze the 2022 reporting year and offer solutions for the upcoming 2023 reporting period.
Revitalizing Infrastructure: Key Bridge Rebuild
Explore how AI and Machine Learning technologies could enable the reconstruction of Baltimore, Maryland’s Key Bridge, by expediting project schedules and facilitating inventive design, efficient data handling, and optimal resource distribution.
Intro to Conflict Minerals
Learn about conflict minerals in the electronics industry, their impact, regulations, and responsible sourcing. Understand the risks and how companies can ensure ethical practices.
Electronic Component Pricing and Availability
Learn about the importance of accessing the right pricing and availability data for your electronic components to minimize supply chain risk.
PFAS Regulations
Learn about updates on PFAS (perfluorinated- and polyfluorinated-alkyl substances) regulations and how they impact the electronics industry.